31 May 2007

Summer is here

Summer is definately here after 2 weeks of 30+ weather, its just a taste of what´s to come considering it gets up to 50 deg here. In 2 weeks we start "summer working hours" which is a the great spanish invention of the 8-3 work day during summer. Too hot to work in the afternoons! Yay let the siestas begin!

So to celebrate the coming of summer we went to our old favourite of Santa Luzia in Portugal and basked and ate like there was no tomorrow. oh the joy a little hot sun brings to white skin!

Here is a pic of our pretty table and our view for our breakfast feast in the sun. The food in Portugal is the best and most of our trips there revolve around it. We go to the fresh food market and buy up big and at our favourite fruit stall the cute old lady always recognizes Marcos and is quick to give him a big kiss (doesn´t recognize me dodgy bitch) We go to the beach but most of the time is spent relaxing on this balcony, eating and drinking. I make some mean ass strawberry caipirinhas!
Here is Lola serving her big enough for a family of 10 paella she made for us (she has 12 bro´s & sis´s, she don´t know how to cook for 4)

Fun Times!!!

1 homie be sending comment love:

Anonymous said...

Am I invisible to you in this picture that my name isn't even mentioned in this particular blog!?!!