Went to England for an extended long weekend with Marcos, first stop London for Micks 30th birthday and 2nd stop Bristol to visit Rohan & Brooke, those nice old aussie´s from good ol Sydney. London is great fun as long as you don´t have to live there I say. I don´t miss the tube and black snot at all. The weather was not too bad, ie not freezing, but it is summer after all and yes it was still grey. We had no real plans except to celebrate Micks birthday and eat as much foreign (ie NOT Spanish) food as possible. And that we did, in 5 days we had meals of Thai (twice), Japanese, Malaysian, Carribean, Italian & Indian. Yummo indeed. Though we couldn´t escape it as England is mad for tapas bars and they were bloody everywhere! With outrageous prices to match, anyone who´d pay 5 pounds for croquetas must have rocks in their head.
Mick chose the opportune time to become sick and had a very sore throat from Friday onwards which gave me the rare chance to talk more than he did. We didn´t even fight about Madonna or anything that’s how weak he really was. We started the weekend out in SoHo where Mick had the nerve to order herbal tea, not only have I never seen Mick drink tea of any sort let alone the herbal variety but I think that sort of thing is illegal in SoHo. Here is a pic of him drinking his tea, looking all very everybody jiggling lipton jiggling.
After popping about 100 (don´t try it at home kids its dongerous) painkillers on his actual birthday he miraculously came good (or was he high?) for his birthday feast on Saturday night. We had pre dinner champers with the boys:
Then we went to a V glam Malaysian restaurant called Chompar Chompar and feasted on glam expensive food and yummy wine. When we were chosing the wine, most of us favoured white and knowing that Mick only drinks red I suggested he get his own bottle “Oh no, I couldn´t possibly drink red wine, my throat is far too sore for that scratchy red wine business” “What!!??” I said, “no drinking – but its your birthday!” to which he replied, “No no, don´t worry I am going to drink caiparinhas!!” Yes I am sure limey, sugur cane cocktails from Brazil is just what the doctor recommends!
Here I am with my stunning meal. And here is Mick with his birthday cake. 30 years young!
Then we were off after a bacon & eggs breakfast (I MISS going out for brekky!) to Bristol to see Brooke & Rohan. A nice change from London, still very English but without all the craziness and dirtiness of London. They live in a cute little place surrounded by lots of greenness. So much greenness in fact that Rohan was inspired to teach Marcos how to play AFL (Australian football for the foreigners) in the park. I of course sat under a tree and read one of the several English books I had just bought (I MISS books in English!) while the boys kicked the footy around. Marcos didn´t bring any sneakers so he was running around in one sock which was amusing, he of course is still injured 3 days later. He has a nice grass stain from a few dramatic dives (completely un-necessary but he likes the action) here are some pics of the boys and one of Marcos looking particularly spiffy in Rohans Swans jersey. V HOT.
Mick chose the opportune time to become sick and had a very sore throat from Friday onwards which gave me the rare chance to talk more than he did. We didn´t even fight about Madonna or anything that’s how weak he really was. We started the weekend out in SoHo where Mick had the nerve to order herbal tea, not only have I never seen Mick drink tea of any sort let alone the herbal variety but I think that sort of thing is illegal in SoHo. Here is a pic of him drinking his tea, looking all very everybody jiggling lipton jiggling.
After popping about 100 (don´t try it at home kids its dongerous) painkillers on his actual birthday he miraculously came good (or was he high?) for his birthday feast on Saturday night. We had pre dinner champers with the boys:
Then we went to a V glam Malaysian restaurant called Chompar Chompar and feasted on glam expensive food and yummy wine. When we were chosing the wine, most of us favoured white and knowing that Mick only drinks red I suggested he get his own bottle “Oh no, I couldn´t possibly drink red wine, my throat is far too sore for that scratchy red wine business” “What!!??” I said, “no drinking – but its your birthday!” to which he replied, “No no, don´t worry I am going to drink caiparinhas!!” Yes I am sure limey, sugur cane cocktails from Brazil is just what the doctor recommends!
Here I am with my stunning meal. And here is Mick with his birthday cake. 30 years young!
Then we were off after a bacon & eggs breakfast (I MISS going out for brekky!) to Bristol to see Brooke & Rohan. A nice change from London, still very English but without all the craziness and dirtiness of London. They live in a cute little place surrounded by lots of greenness. So much greenness in fact that Rohan was inspired to teach Marcos how to play AFL (Australian football for the foreigners) in the park. I of course sat under a tree and read one of the several English books I had just bought (I MISS books in English!) while the boys kicked the footy around. Marcos didn´t bring any sneakers so he was running around in one sock which was amusing, he of course is still injured 3 days later. He has a nice grass stain from a few dramatic dives (completely un-necessary but he likes the action) here are some pics of the boys and one of Marcos looking particularly spiffy in Rohans Swans jersey. V HOT.